
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Controversies on Magazines Images

One of the biggest controversies in mass media are the photos in magazines. In fashion booklets, there have been issues of retouching images of the celebrities or models. A picture can be photo shoped with peoples’ heads on someone’s’ else body; changing the person’s facial or body features. For example, the magazine called REDBOOK, showed in class, had changed Faith Hill’s hair and color of skin. The original magazine display was Faith Hill with lighter skin with dark blonde hair, but when the gazette came out they photo shoped it for Faith Hill and made her tanner and lighter blonde hair. In fashion pamphlets, women are not the only one who are retouch but men are too. On a different publication, they photo shoped Andy Roddrick with more muscles than he had in the original photo. Not only do booklets changed images of body and facial features of celebrities, but they also change pictures by adding or deleting people in them. For example, in a booklet, they photo enhance Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie together even though they were really not there. It was from two separate pictures at two different times.I believe on this particular controversy issue, magazines should not retouch photos because it is not the real models or celebrities. It gives the reader a fake person to believe of what he or she looks like. The images are added on to other pictures showing two people who are together that are not really together. On this issue, I conclude magazines need to change how they do their photos. In magazines articles, they make the reader feel like the pictures represent the story. A picture is worth a thousand words, and if one changes a picture then the story changes.I am very passionate on this controversy because retouching photos means they are not real. The images are telling lies on how people really are or making up stories that are false in the article. For the fashion magazines, I believe real woman should be displayed on their covers than being fake. For teenagers, they give phony advertisements of having to feel like they have to look like the celebrities or models. This controversy exposes how the fashion world views people, especially woman who want the perfect body. Magazine models are usually 5’11 and weigh 120 lbs. The average American woman is 5’4 and weighs 144 lbs. Another thing is it makes teenagers feel they have to lose weight and make them want to eat less and have less nutrition. Teenagers feel like that is how they are supposed to look, even though they look fine. When I want to read something, I want to know the real story with pictures, to help illustrate the story. If the pictures are not real then why read the story? They have no proof of this event or person being real. If the magazines keep retouching photos, then they would start to lose the reader’s interest because no one would know the true story.


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